Sequence |

The learning sequence visually represents the Review,Interpret,
Construct and Justify generic learning design and outlines
the resources, tasks and supports needed for this design.
This generic design is useful in instances where the learning
being sought involves an experiential approach to developing
knowledge in context. The situated learning design assists
students to develop appropriate skills in order to apply processes
and procedures of a conceptual nature.
Task |

The learning design is based on the presentation of a well-researched
and justified response to an open-ended situated problem.
The tasks require learners to work collaboratively to explore
cases, complete a procedural task, critique information and
justify responses to a series of related authentic tasks.
Resources |

This generic learning design requires authentic data sets,
virtual characters complete with case histories,virtual documents
modeling real life documents and materials related to the
issue, procedure guides and other documents and evidence of
a range of stakeholder perspectives.
Supports |

This learning setting requires tutor guidance, discussion
forums, learning pathways documents, and collaborative team
interaction mechanisms.
Notes |
In designing the learning setting information on preparing
learnings, guidelines for planning and how to choose the learning
tasks are required.
Outcomes |
This learning design is applicable where processes and procedures
in authentic contexts are key anticipated outcomes, and where
skills such as reviewing, interpreting,constructing a portfolio
and justifying a position are desired.
Assesment |
The assessment for this form of learning requires a series
of small, collaborative learning tasks which provide the structured
development of required skills and processes for each student
to present a conceptually sound, sensible and well-justified
response to an open-ended problem.
Contribution |
The most important aspect of ICT is its capability to provide
a ready access to communication tools that allow learners
to make their learning public and facilitatediscussion with
peers and tutors.