Learning Designs - Products of the AUTC project on ICT-based learning designs
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Using this Site


This Australian University Teaching Committee (AUTC) project aimed to produce generic/reusable learning design resources to assist academics to create high quality, flexible learning experiences for students. This was achieved by:

  • Identifying high quality learning designs used in higher education;
  • Selecting those suitable for redevelopment in the form of reusable software, templates and/or generic guidelines; and
  • Developing these reusable resources and making them, together with the high quality learning designs, accessible from a central web site.

This web site has been designed for teachers and instructors to access a rich set of resources that support the development of flexibly delivered high quality learning experiences for learners. It is expected that different users will want to access the resources in different ways. Use the tabs to navigate the site in the following way.

  • Exemplars - view the collection of learning designs through a focus, title, discipline, ICTs used or author. The information available for each exemplar includes a snapshot, a designer's view and crosslinks to similar exemplars

  • Guides - to view generic designs to apply in your context. The Guides are a set of generic descriptions of learning designs based on exemplars, including guidelines for use, design details and crosslinks to example implementations.

  • Tools - to view generic tools to support your learning setting. The set of tools with generic potential based on a subset of the exemplar designs. The information includes guidelines for use, design details and crosslinks to example implementations.

  • The Project - find out more about the whole project, high quality learning and the principles that have the potential to support this learning

  • Search - use this tab if you have a key word or idea you are searching for in this resource

The site has  been designed for users whose purpose is to examine the state of practice in implementation of flexibly delivered learning settings and who wish to implement these practices in their own learning settings. It is hoped that this project will make a contribution to improving the use of ICTs in learning settings through supporting the goal of high quality learning in higher education.

The following definitions apply for this project:

ProjectV11.mpp: refers to a variety of ways of designing student learning experiences, that is, a sequence of types of activities and interactions. Learning designs may be at the level of a subject, or subject components. The project is focusing on learning designs implemented with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Informed by the work of Oliver (1999) and Oliver and Herrington (2001) this project defines a Learning Design, particularly when ICT-mediated, as comprising three key elements: the content or resources learners interact with, the tasks or activities learners are required to perform, and the support mechanisms provided to assist learners to engage with the tasks and resources.

High quality learning experiences: refer to experiences resulting from an environment that encourages students to seek understanding and which encourage the development of lifelong learning skills.

Flexible learning: refers to an educational approach that meets the diverse needs of students. This project focuses on how ICTs can be used to design flexible opportunities for students.


Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), 240-254.

Oliver, R. & Herrington, J. (2001). Teaching and learning online: A beginner’s guide to e-learning and e-teaching in higher education. Edith Cowan University: Western Australia.

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  • A level 4 browser
    (e.g Netscape 4 or better, Internet Explorer 5 or better.)
  • An 800 x 600 monitor
  • Quicktime 5
  • Acrobat PDF reader

In addition to occasional use of the portable document format (PDF), there are also a small number of documents stored in the site in rich text format (RTF). These may be manipulated in wordprocessing software. Depending on your browser setup, PDF and RTF documents will either open automatically in a separate window, or they will be downloaded to your machine for later review.






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