Moderator's Guide > Development

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  Online Role-Play

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Life Cycle of Role-Playing:

Jump directly to any 'Development' subsection, or review them in sequence:

Preliminary Observations
Understand Issues
Pursue Agenda



Preliminary Observations

This is the key stage of the experience building process. For an online role-play lasting for 4 weeks, this stage may start at the beginning of the second week and will last for about 2 weeks. The duration should depend on the complexity of the issue and the frequency of connection in the agreed participation obligation*.

Effective game progression requires that every role meets the "participation obligation" of role-playing. If a role with a critical stakeholder viewpoint does not participate effectively, it is difficult for the whole online role-play to explore issues related to that particular viewpoint. Participation obligation is a term used to describe the requirement of players to participate with regular frequency and involvement. This is usually set as a "hurdle" requirement and must be communicated to students before they are assigned a role in the online role-play.



Understand Issues

At the early part of this stage, roles need to understand the issues and formulate a strategy to achieve and advance the roles’ public and private agendas. Understanding of issues may include researching, reading cases, sharing experiences both within and outside the role-play. The strength of online role-play as a learning environment is the ability for the roles to practise the strategy and try to advance the roles’ agenda in a safe environment in the later part of this stage.


EXAMPLE from First Fleet RP (...description>>)

A moderator, assuming the role of Captain Arthur Phillip points students to issues and resources
that may help in the First Fleet Role-Play.

Sandra Wills, UoW



Pursue Agenda

Roles interact in order to pursue their public and private agendas using the various communication channels available in online role-play. They will be using tactics such as forming alliances, explaining positions, or exercising legal rights. The online role-play moderator is now the guardian angel, the manipulative devil, the resident learner/educator, improvising story teller and the administrator. The focus is to allow roles to gain experience and have time to consider every move.


EXAMPLE from World Politics in Transition RP

Roni Linser, UMelb


Online role-play provides opportunities to understand issues, to discuss and debate possible strategies and to advance the roles' agenda. It is also an opportunity to refine their generic skills in communication and negotiation therefore the moderator needs to be skilled not only in the content of the profession but also in the skills of the professional.


EXAMPLE from Middle East Politics RP (...description>>)

Note: Negotiation skills, communication skills, empathy, patience…

Video snippet


However the role-play must also reach a conclusion, a consensus, a negotiated settlement or an outcome. Assisting students to conclude the role-play satisfactorily is one of the most difficult roles for the moderator.


EXAMPLE from Environmental Decision-Making RP (...description>>)

Video snippet


EXAMPLE from Environmental Decision-Making RP (...description>>)

Video snippet




Moderator's Guide > Development

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© Wollongong University and Edith Cowan University