Kearney, M., & Treagust, D. F. (2001). Constructivism
as a referent in the design and development of a computer
program which uses interactive digital video to enhance learning
in physics. Australian Journal of Educational Technology,
17(1), 64-79.
This paper discusses the design and development of the
learning design.
Kearney, M., Treagust, D., Yeo, S., & Zadnik, M. (2001).
Student and teacher perceptions of the use of multimedia supported
predict-observe-explain tasks to probe understanding. Research
in Science Education, 31(4), 589-615.
This paper discusses students and teacher perceptions of
the learning design. Go to the Research link at: http://www.ed-dev.uts.edu.au/personal/mkearney/homepage/index.html
Kearney, M. (2002). Classroom Use of multimedia-supported
predict-observe-explain tasks to elicit and promote discussion
about students’ physics conceptions. Unpublished
PhD dissertation, Perth: Curtin University of Technology.