In all the semesters that the unit has run to date, nearly
all students have completed the unit, and many reported that
they have learned a great deal from the task and the strategies
they employed as they completed it. Many students report feeling
disoriented and unsure of how to proceed in the early days,
but most adjust quickly and value the experience of the student-centred
approach adopted.
Not only do students have the opportunity to experience the
technology of online learning, but for many teachers this
is their first experience of learning in an environment
using a constructivist approach. For many, this is very difficult
and challenging; others adopt readily and quickly to the opportunities.
The learning environment supports learner engagement by presenting
a realistic problem that requires active reflection and research.
Students are unable to solve the problem using standard approaches,
and must collaborate with others to come up with their own
model of online learning, and an example of its application.
The setting acknowledges the learning context by giving a
purpose (if simulated) to the task of learning about online
learning. The context is one which is not unlike the current
situation in many Australian universities. There are not however,
any cultural assumptions deliberately incorporated into the
design. The resources used are international and there are
no task requirements that limit the applicability of resulting
products to the Australian context.
The learning setting is challenging because students cannot
apply standard processes and procedures in order to complete
it. In the first task, they cannot simply read about theories
and research in online learning and then summarise them. They
must evaluate a prototype site for its suitability, and in
order to do this, they need to read and reflect on current
knowledge, and then use that knowledge as a tool. In developing
and applying a model of online learning, they must create
their own view of what constitutes effective online design,
rather than simply using an existing model.
Again, practice is provided only in the broadest sense of
the word. It allows students to practice as professionals,
engaging in the types of meaningful tasks that professionals
are required to practice. The unit provides further academic
practice when, at the conclusion of the unit, they are encouraged
to rework the useful elements of the tasks into a publishable
paper for an academic journal or for presentation at a conference.
Many of the students accept this challenge, and there have
been several publications to date, which further enhance their
academic progress and understanding.