Rice, M. (1998). An evaluation of V-Lab: A virtual laboratory
for Human Movement students. Deakin Centre for Academic
Development, Deakin University, Geelong.
This internal evaluation report focused on aspects of
the development and initial implementation of V-Lab. It
illuminated issues relating to access and use, factors affecting
implementation, students’ impressions of the educational
value of V-Lab and their beliefs about what they learnt
from using it.
Rice, M., Owies, D., Campbell, A., Snow, R., Owen, N. and
Holt, D (1999). V-Lab: A virtual laboratory for teaching introductory
concepts and methods of physical fitness and function. Australian
Journal of Educational Technology, 15(2), 188-206. http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/ajet/ajet15/rice.html
This journal article was based on the internal evaluation
report. It situated the evaluation findings in the broader
context of using interactive multimedia in university courses,
then presented findings relating to access and use, factors
affecting implementation, students’ impressions of
the educational value of V-Lab and their beliefs about what
they learnt from using it.