IP and copyright are vested in Edith Cowan University and
the four authors (by agreement with ECU).
No other parties hold any interest in the IP of the program.
The program has been marketed in Book and CD-ROM form by MASTEC,
a commercial arm at ECU. It has been sold in this form, and
in a few instances as site licenses, to over 36 Australian
universities and schools. Copies have also been sold to educational
institutions in Austria, Bhutan, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel,
New Zealand, Singapore, the UK and USA.
The learning design has been replicated in another CD-ROM/Book
package entitled Investigating Teaching Strategies in Mathematics
Classrooms by the same authors and publisher. It focuses
on allowing students to explore a range of teaching and classroom
management strategies appropriate to mathematics teaching.
The resources elements of the program have also been used
in a website entitled MEOW (Mathematics Education on the Web)
This site was designed to support preservice teachers on professional
practice in schools. It will soon be superseded buy a more
extensive site incorporating support for beginning teachers.